Weleda hemorrhoids suppositories can be used for the treatment of hemorrhoids including internal hemorrhoids, rhagades (superficial skin lesions) and anal fissures.
The suppositories contain extracts of witch hazel (medlar) leaves and horse chestnut bark which have been shown to be effective as a venotonic and venoconstrictor (stimulation and constriction of the vascular walls) and in cases of hemorrhoids. Locally, they have a vascular clogging, haemostatic and anti-inflammatory effect. Prolonged use can reduce hemorrhoids.
Suppositories against hemorrhoids Weleda are well tolerated and do not cause itching.
Using advice :
Unless otherwise prescribed by the doctor, introduce 1 suppository 2 times a day into the rectum, preferably after the evacuation of the stool and before bedtime.
Please follow the dosage given on the package insert or prescribed by your doctor. Talk to your doctor or pharmacist if you think that the effectiveness of the medicine is too weak or, on the contrary, too strong.