To be dynamic
89 products
Modern everyday life challenges us both physically and mentally, hence the need to find solutions that help us hold on!
We offer here natural products which, apart from a pathology exhausting our resources and requiring a medical consultation, will bring you the necessary dynamism to meet your daily challenges while respecting the balance of your body!
To be dynamic
Advice from your pharmacist
DO :
- Maintain the natural rhythms of the day: go to bed before midnight, do not wake up too late, respect meal times
- Having a balanced and light diet, too much fat overloads your liver and exhausts you!
- Drink coffee or tea, but moderately and never in the evening.
- Stay hydrated, under stress we often forget to drink! Prefer water or herbal teas to drinks that are too sweet.
- Maintain a regular physical activity adapted to your lifestyle! Exercising physically allows you to evacuate stress and oxygenate your body. Without oxygen, no energy production!
- To go to bed at impossible times...
- Energy drinks that are too sweet, which give you an immediate tone but with guaranteed rebound effects!
- Foods that are too rich that weigh down your digestion.
- Too much coffee (maximum 2 to 3 coffees a day!)
- The alcohol
- Too long naps. On the other hand, opt for “turbo-naps” (15-30 min), extremely beneficial for recovery!
- Too much television in the evening, as well as too many multimedia screens disturbing the nocturnal biological rhythm.
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